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Supplementary class materials

“Establish Your Web Presence”

This web page provides additional information and resources for students of "Cashing In Through a Web Presence", offered through the Arlington Adult Education program and Capital PC User Group.

Registering and managing domain names

There are many registrars to choose from. Here are two to consider. Note that I consider it vital that your domain be registered with a company other than your web-hosting provider — this will help ensure that, in the event of a dispute or business failure, your domain name does not get held hostage or fall into limbo.  (It's a good idea to check on-line reviews of registrars before comitting to one.)

Comparisons of web hosting providers

There are so many web hosting providers!  Find the one that has the features you need at the price you want — but make sure the service and reliability will be good enough for your business.

Sources for web page templates

Use these templates as a starting point for building your web site — or at least to get some ideas about how you might want the site to look.


Blogs are an easy way of adding content to a site and of establishing your expertise in your area.  And you can get your blog hosted for free.

E-mail marketing

Miscellaneous information