Supplementary class materials
“Better Browsing with Firefox”
This web page provides additional information and resources for students of the "Better Browsing with Firefox" class, offered through the Arlington Adult Education program.
Free downloads
- You can do better than to use Internet Explorer! Start by downloading a better web browser for your system.
- Firefox — a great web browser
- Thunderbird — an e-mail client program, a great replacement for Outlook Express
- Opera — another great web browser
- Read the review of these books as it appeared in the CPCUG Monitor, November 2005; requires Acrobat Reader.
- Firefox Secrets. By Cheah Chu Yeow. SitePoint, 2005, ISBN: 0-9752402-4-2.
- Firefox Hacks: Tips & Tools for Next-Generation Web Browsing. By Nigel McFarlane. O'Reilly Media, 2005, ISBN: 0-596-00928-3.
- Don't Click on the Blue E!: Switching to Firefox. By Scott Granneman. O'Reilly Media, 2005, ISBN: 0-596-00939-9.